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Adding a Space to Scout Manager


Before adding a space to Scout Manager, please fill in the required fields:

  • Access to Scout Manager
  • UW Group for your space(s)
  • Information about the space
    • Name of the space
    • Category of space (Study, Food, Tech)
    • Campus
    • Location of the space
Note: The context of the page updates based on the primary purpose selected for the space (Study, Food, Tech). Everything on the page that is highlighted in maroon is a required field that must be completed before the space can be published for use.

How to Add a Space

  1. In a web browser, navigate and log into Scout Manager.
  2. From the left sidebar, select Add New Space.
  3. Complete the required fields:
    1. Space Name: Common name used for the space
    2. Space Manager Group: UW Group name
    3. Primary purpose of Space: Study, Food, Tech
    4. Campus: Seattle, Bothell, Tacoma
    5. Latitude: Drop a pin on the map and this field will autopopulate
    6. Longitude: Drop a pin on the map and this field will autopopulate
  4. In the top right, click SAVE & CONTINUE.

    1. At this point, the space record has been created as a draft but is not yet published in Scout.
    2. Clicking SAVE & CLOSE will save the space record as a draft and redirect you back to the list of existing spaces in Scout Manager.
  5. If you have additional spaces to add, repeat steps 2 through 4, and then click SAVE.
  6. Review your work and when ready, click PUBLISH.

Additional Information

Each space has several fields. They differ slightly depending on whether it is a study space, a food establishment, or access to tech.

Users get the best experience from Scout when spaces provide maximum information. The more fields you can complete, the better.

Spaces can only be edited individually; there is no bulk editing. If you manage several spaces in the same building and want, for example, to update the hours for each space, you must edit them individually.

Next to some fields, you will see a blue information icon Small blue circle with a white letter 'i' in the center used to indicate more information.. Click the icon to learn more about how to make a selection or what information is needed for this field.


If you need further assistance, please contact UW-IT at or 206-221-5000.