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Scout Manager


Scout Manager manages all of the space data used by Scout. When you have access to the system, you can add, remove or update spaces through Scout Manager. Access to Scout Manager is controlled through UW Groups, and only the spaces associated with the UW Group you have access to are visible for you to administer.

Getting started

To manage space information using Scout Manager, please complete the following:

  • Review the Scout Manager information on this page.
  • Create a UW Group for managing your Scout spaces.
  • Send a Scout Manager access request to the Scout team.
  • Notify members of the UW Group of their responsibility to manage the space(s) in Scout Manager.

After completing the steps above, please see our Help guides section below for instructions on how to manage spaces in Scout Manager.

Spaces in Scout

Spaces in Scout are categorized by their primary purpose: Study, Food or Access to Tech. The pages linked below provide more details about each primary purpose category:

Once a space is added to Scout Manager, further information can (and should be) added to help students refine the search results when looking for a space. Details such as an inviting description and an image of the space, available resources, noise level, natural lighting, etc. are great ways to help students find a space specific to their needs. For more information on how to do this, please see the guides for Study, Food and Tech spaces.

Unavailable spaces in Scout

To ensure accuracy of Scout space information, please log into Scout Manager and unpublish any spaces that will be unavailable for more than 15 days.

Depending on the future plans for the space:

  • Temporary unavailability (15-90 days): When availability is restored, log into Scout Manager and republish the space.
  • Long-term unavailability (greater than 90 days): Determine if the space will be available after the period of time has passed and reach out to the Scout Service Management team to inform us of the situation.
    • If the space will return at a later date, we will note this and schedule a follow up to confirm if any changes occurred to the space and plan for republishing in Scout Manager.
    • If the space will no longer be available, we will remove the space data from Scout Manager.

Space review policy

The success of Scout depends on the regular review and updating of spaces. Starting in 2023, all spaces require an annual review and/or check-in between partners managing a space and the Scout Service Management team. If no updates to the space information in Scout Manager have been made, or no communications between the space manager and the Scout Service Management team have occurred within the last 12 months, the Scout Service Management team will assume responsibility for the space and pursue another partner to take over management of the space.

The Scout Service Management team will reach out via email before assuming a space is unmanaged.

Help guides

All Help and troubleshooting guides are linked from this section.

Help Guides Accordion


If you need further assistance, please contact UW-IT at or 206-221-5000.