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UW Poll Everywhere Updates

April 24, 2024

Important Release: Windows PowerPoint Integration v. 4.1.0

On April 4, 2024, Poll Everywhere released a new version of the Presenter App for Windows PowerPoint.  This version cannot be updated via the Update button in PowerPoint and must be downloaded and installed.

Download Version 4.1.0 of the Poll Everywhere for Windows PowerPoint app.

Learn more about this release and earlier releases of the app.

November 19, 2023

New visual settings go into effect December 18, 2023

Poll Everywhere will be reapplying the new visual settings after Autumn Quarter ends.  Fixes to known issues were deployed on 11/1/2023 after this update was rolled back in September. These new setting will not be available in our account until 12/18/2023.

To make it easier to use these new settings, you should apply the new poll template titled UW Branded Template 2 – new visual settings available in the template folder that was shared with all UW presenters.  UW-IT and Learning Technologies recommend applying this new poll template to avoid any issues with the functionality and visual appearance of your polls.  Learn more about how to access and use the template poll.  If you do not see the folder under Shared with me in your Poll Everywhere account, please email  

September 22, 2023

New visual settings rolled back to original settings

Due to ongoing technical issues with the new visual settings, we had the vendor revert back to the original visual settings that were in place prior to 8/22/2023.  If you have applied the template poll with these new visual settings to your polls and would like to switch back to the original settings, a UW-branded poll template with these original visual settings is currently available in the template folder that was shared with presenters.  UW-IT and Learning Technologies recommends reverting back to the original settings until the technical issues have been addressed and the updated settings are redeployed.  Learn more about how to access and use the template poll.

Any changes or updates on these issues with Poll Everywhere will be promptly communicated on this page, as a Canvas Banner, and via direct email to active Poll Everywhere Presenters (Teachers, TAs and instructional staff who frequently use this service).

September 19, 2023

Issues with access to poll templates folder

Due to a technical issue, the folder containing the UW-branded poll templates was not copied properly to all users on the account.  We have instead shared this folder with the entire account.  Please look for this folder under the Shared with me link in the Activities section of your Poll Everywhere account. Learn more about how to access and use the template poll

August 16, 2023

New visual settings go into effect August 22

On Tuesday, August 22, 2023, all polls will get new visual settings. To make it easier to use these new settings, you can use new poll templates available the same day in a folder titled “UW Shared Template Polls (Copied from UW Admin on August 22, 2023).” Learn more about how to access and use the template poll

June 14, 2023

DELAYED – New visual settings

The change in visual settings scheduled for Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 5:00 PM PDT, has been delayed by the vendor until until late July or early August. 

New Canvas integration with Poll Everywhere has been deployed

This integration was enabled Wednesday, June 14, 2023.  See below for more information.

April 19, 2023

New visual settings

This change has been delayed to later in the summer.  The new template poll is not yet available due to this delay.

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 5:00 PM PDT, all polls will get new visual settings. To make it easier to use these new settings, you can use a new template poll available the same day in a folder titled “UW Template Poll (Copied from UW Admin on June 14, 2023).” Learn more about how to access and use the template poll

Please note: Custom visual settings may also be affected by this change.

New Canvas integration with Poll Everywhere for improved experience 

Starting Wednesday, June 14, 2023, you’ll have an improved experience with this new Canvas integration (known as an LTI or Learning Tools Interoperability) with Poll Everywhere. The LTI Advantage integration is the newest standard and it supports a greater range of features and an improved user experience. Along with updated security, the new LTI requires fewer clicks to synchronize data between Poll Everywhere and Canvas. As of June 14, you will no longer be able to import participants and export graded polls to Canvas. You will still be able to run Gradebook reports and export CSV files of reports. 

What the new LTI means for faculty and instructional teams

  • Presenters (i.e., faculty, TAs and staff) must use the new LTI to register students as Poll Everywhere participants via Canvas and properly organize them into course groups in Poll Everywhere. 
  • Presenters must pre-register participants to the Poll Everywhere account using the LTI method in order for students to participate in activities.  Presenters must also use the LTI to update course rosters in Poll Everywhere.
  • Presenters can continue to export graded poll scores to Canvas using the current export process, as well as from the Participants page in Poll Everywhere, or by using the new LTI process.
  • UW-IT encourages presenters to perform the current Canvas course list import process one final time on or before June 9, 2023 to ensure their Poll Everywhere rosters are up-to-date.

What the new LTI means for students

  • This change will not affect students.  Students must continue to log in to Poll Everywhere with their UW email address (not a personal email address) to respond to any Poll Everywhere activity.  
  • Students having issues logging in to Poll Everywhere for a class that is using it must contact their instructor(s) and request that they be registered to the UW account via the new LTI registration process.