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Schedule Lecture Capture

Panopto allows for easy recording and reviewing of courses, lectures and presentations that are viewable on most browsers and mobile devices. To schedule a recording, instructors must be teaching a credit-generating class at the UW Seattle Campus in a lecture hall equipped with an automated scheduled recording system.

  • To record in rooms without recording systems, use your laptop.
  • Students interested in having recordings made for a course you are taking: please contact your instructor.


Why record your courses? Instructors told us the top reasons they use Panopto:

  • Students who have to miss class are able to learn the materials, saving re-teaching time during office hours.
  • If students don’t understand something the first time around, they can listen to the lecture again at their own speed and pause the recording to take notes. This is especially helpful for ESL students and students with disabilities.
  • Students can review the lectures to help them study for class or exams.

The automated scheduled lecture capture service records, encodes and posts lectures on a Web page where students can view them after class. The recording equipment in these rooms is scheduled to automatically capture classroom content, including anything displayed on the data projector. This technology is designed to automate the recording and delivery of classroom lectures and presentations. No instructor software or configuration is required.

Key Features

  • Access control – Access to presentations and recordings is limited to course participants.
  • Anytime availability – Students can access recordings of their class anytime during the quarter.
  • Technical support – Technical support is available by sending an email message to

Getting Started

  • Find classrooms that support scheduled lecture capture by visiting Academic Technology’s Classrooms web page.
    • Note: You cannot schedule recordings in rooms that are equipped with only an audio/video bridge.
  • Schedule course recordings via Canvas. Set Panopto access permissions via UW Canvas, which is provisioned automatically and syncs regularly to keep your course enrollments updated. You can access and control the list of students and instructors within Canvas if access permissions need to be changed.
  • Publish your course by visiting to ensure that your students have access to the Panopto folder that corresponds to your course. Students will use the “Panopto Recordings” link from the Canvas course page to view course recordings. Learn about other ways to share recordings.
  • Learn about the in-class recording system.

For more information, contact:

Issues to Consider

Before recording your class, please consider the following issues, which concern intellectual property, privacy and copyright protections.

  • Classes that will display (show) and perform (show or play) others’ works that will become part of an online recording should be intended for and technologically limited to students enrolled in the class.
  • For classes that require substantial class participation from students (whose questions and responses may be recorded in the process of recording the class meeting), consider limiting access to enrolled students.
  • University personnel engaged in a job-related function incident to employment may monitor classes, even if the class recordings have been limited to students enrolled in the class.