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Panopto Quizzing: Known Issues

Panopto allows you to add quizzes to your recordings. However, we strongly recommend against grading Panopto quizzes, due to the issues detailed below.

Panopto Quiz Integration with Canvas Gradebook

Canvas assignments are integrated with the Canvas Gradebook. The results of any Panopto Quizzes that are added as Canvas Assignments are sent automatically to the Canvas Gradebook. We recommend using Panopto quizzes only for student engagement, not assessment, because this integration causes several problems:

  • Changes to grades are not logged in Panopto. Only the most recent score is retained by Panopto and subsequently reported to Canvas.
  • Scores are not broken down by question.
  • When a student can make multiple attempts, the grade can change continually. However, you can limit the quiz to allow only one attempt.
  • Panopto lists a 3-6 hour window for scores to be reported to the Canvas gradebook. Users have reported issues with some scores not being reported.
  • Scores are only reported to the Canvas gradebook if students access the recording from the Assignment section in Canvas. If students view the recording and take the quiz from the Panopto recordings tab, a page or module where the recording is linked or embedded, or the Panopto app (launched from the Canvas app) the grades are not reported to the gradebook. We recommend using a web browser rather than the apps to take Panopto quizzes in order to ensure that scores are reported to the gradebook.  If students do use the Canvas app, they will need to select the option to remain on the web or scores will not be reported to the gradebook.

User experience issues with Panopto Quizzing

  • If a quiz is set to allow multiple attempts, students (viewers) will always be prompted to either take the quiz or opt to continue even if they have taken it and scored 100%. There is no option to turn off quiz prompts, which disrupts the ability for students to skip around the video for review and studying purposes. Their grades also may go decrease on the second attempt.
  • Instructors (creators) cannot turn off the quiz prompts, precluding the ability to review the video without having to opt to continue past the quiz. Creators can skip past a quiz in the Panopto editor.

Alternatives to Panopto Quizzing

Instead of grading Panopto quizzes that are added as Canvas Assignments, you can:

  • Use the Canvas Rich Content Editor to add Panopto Recordings to Canvas Quiz questions. Canvas Quiz logs are detailed and robust.
  • Export Panopto quiz scores from Panopto as a CSV then input manually into an Assignment. Note that if students are able to take the quiz multiple times, the scores stored by Panopto will reflect only the most recent attempt. The exported file containing scores is the record as of when it was exported. Any subsequent quiz attempts will be shown in Panopto.
  • Add Poll Everywhere activities to videos using the Add Link tool. Then use the supported Poll Everywhere integration in Canvas to send graded poll responses to the Canvas gradebook.

UW-Supported Workflows for Panopto Quizzing

Due to the issues documented above, we are able to offer only limited support for Panopto quizzes. If you choose to use Panopto Quizzes in your videos please note the following:

  • We recommend using Panopto quizzes only for student engagement, not assessment.
  • We can offer information only on setup and configuration for Panopto quizzes in video.
  • For score delays or missing scores in Canvas, we can offer only escalation to the vendor as a support path.