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Technology Keys

Technology Keys secure classroom technology while keeping equipment available for instruction and scheduled events.

Do I need a Technology Key?

Depending on your assigned classroom, teaching methods, and/or use of classroom technology, a key may not be required. We highly encourage classroom users to visit their assigned room in advance, or view our Classroom Features page, to determine whether or not a key will be necessary in support of a class or scheduled event.

Who may check out a Technology Key?

Instructors and teaching assistants may check out Technology Keys on a quarterly basis. Event coordinators and Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may temporarily check out a key, upon verification of room reservation, for up to seven days.

Subject to time schedule verification, course instructors and teaching assistants will automatically have their key renewed when teaching during subsequent quarters; however, keys checked out longer than one academic year may be subject to proof of continued possession.

How do I obtain a Technology Key?

Eligible individuals may obtain a key by visiting the Academic Technologies office located in the basement of Kane Hall, Room 035 during normal business hours Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Photo identification (Husky Card and/or state-issued identification) is required.

What else do I need to know?

  • Keys must be checked out in person by the user of the key (they cannot be checked out on behalf of someone else).
  • Keys will not be delivered.
  • Only one key may be checked out per person per quarter.
  • Keys are non-transferable.
  • Checkout is made free of charge. However, lost keys are subject to a fee of $25.00 (budget) or $31.86 (check/charge). Refunds are available for recovered keys.
  • Technology Keys do not unlock building/classroom doors.
  • Keys are University property and must be surrendered to Academic Technologies upon request at any time.

Access to Classroom Technology via Husky Card

Academic Technologies is expanding a program to replace traditional locks, and the subsequent need for a Technology Key, with a modern access control system based on the Husky Card. Many general assignment classrooms with locked drawers and teaching podia have already been outfitted with this new technology. Instead of a traditional lock and key, Academic Technologies is deploying a RFID system that utilizes your Husky Card for unlocking classroom technology.

On top of the classroom podium, in front of the touch panel, a reader has been installed that will scan your Husky Card. For instructors and teaching assistants, this will unlock the control system as well as the drawer to allow you access to the wireless microphone. The drawer will then re-lock after a few seconds. Simply tap your card on the reader again to unlock the drawer as necessary (for instance, to return the microphone at the end of class).

As each user is separately identifiable via Husky Card, the control system will be able to remember your last used settings and, upon tapping your Husky Card, will recall those settings for your convenience. For example, if you use a laptop every day, upon tapping your Husky Card the control system will turn on the projector and then route the laptop input to the projector. Lighting settings are not part of the user preferences remembered by the control system.

To see a demo system and try out your Husky Card access, simply stop by our office located in the basement of Kane Hall, Room 035.

How do I know if I need a Husky Card or Technology Key?

As we work to update classrooms across campus, you may need a Husky Card, Technology Key, or both. To determine what is required for your assigned room(s), please visit our Classroom Features page. When viewing a specific room, either “Husky Card Required for Equipment Access” or “Technology Key Required for Equipment Access” will be displayed.

What can I do with my old Technology Key?

If you have determined that you no longer require a Technology Key for the current loan period, you may simply return it to the Academic Technologies office located in the basement of Kane Hall, Room 035. Our office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

What if my Husky Card is old and does not have a RFID chip?

If you have a Husky Card issued prior to 2011, it most likely does not contain a RFID chip. Simply visit the Husky Card Account & ID Center located on the ground level of Odegaard Undergraduate Library and your card will be replaced free of charge. The RFID chip allows you to access other features such as U-Pass powered by ORCA (subscription required).

What information is collected from my Husky Card?

The RFID reader at the podium will read the unique identifier off of your Husky Card when you tap it on the podium. The reader does not access any other information stored on your card (including ORCA card information).

How is the data transmitted and is it secure?

The Husky Card unique identifier is encrypted and sent over the network to a secure UW server. The response, comprising your preferred name, UW NetID as well as your access permission, is encrypted by the server before being sent back to the system located in the classroom.

What happens if I forget to log out of the system?

If you do not log out of the system, the next user will continue to use your session. This could result in their preferences for the system settings, audio levels, and routed sources overwriting your preferences.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

Academic Technologies Help Desk
Email | Web | Phone: 206-221-5000, Option 2
Walk-in Location and Hours
UW Mailbox: 353095