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Apply a 4.0 grade scale to a Canvas assignment

Apply a 4.0 grade scale to a Canvas assignment

When you are creating an assignment for your Canvas course, you can select a UW 4.0 grade scale that you have previously created and apply it to that assignment.

  1. From the Canvas course home page, in the left navigation, click Assignments.
  2. On the Assignments page, in the upper right corner, click the blue Add Assignment button.
    Select an existing assignment, and in the upper right corner, click Edit.
  3. Fill in the Assignment fields (Name, description, Points, Assignment Group) as you want. (You can also fill in this information after any of the following steps.)
  4. From the Display Grade as drop-down menu, select GPA Scale.
  5. Under the Display Grade as field, click View Grading Scheme.
  6. In the upper right corner, click Select Another Scheme.
  7. In the left panel of the View/Edit Grading Scheme window, click a scale title.
  8. In the right panel, scroll down to the bottom of the scale, and click Use This Grading Standard.
  9. Click Done.