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Rich Content Editor in Canvas

The new Rich Content Editor provides a streamlined experience, but may change workflows you’re familiar with.

For a brief overview of the interface, menus, and features of the new RCE, watch the video below.

Rich Content Editor Video (4:50)

Don’t worry about memorizing all of the changes, you can always refer back to the video or visit the Canvas guides for answers to specific questions.

Linking content and editing existing links

Link to content

The content selector, which was located to the right-hand side of the editor, is gone. That functionality is now available through the menu bar and toolbar, found above the content field.

Edit existing links 

When creating a new link using Course Links, you are presented with the Add menu, allowing you to see all Pages and course content. You can click the top dropdown in the Add menu to switch to Files view to see all of the documents uploaded to your course.

Note: If you edit an existing link using the Link Options pop-up that appears when a link is clicked, the options for linking are limited and you will not have access to the Add menu.

Edit an existing course link with access to the Add menu

  1. To open the rich content editor, click Edit.
  2. Click the existing link you want to edit.
    Note: A pop-up titled Link Options will appear above the link. Ignore the pop-up.
  3. Above the rich content editor, click Insert. Hover over Link and select Remove Link.
  4. To insert the new link, click Insert again, hover over Link, and select Course Links.
  5. The Add menu appears. Choose Links or Files to find the content you want to link.

For more guidance on editing links, watch this video on changing course links in Canvas.

New features

  • More formatting options. With Paste as text and clear text formatting you’ll have better control over text you add from other sources. New colors, strikethrough, and the ability to add code blocks allow for increased personalization of your content.
  • Auto Save. If you accidentally close or navigate away from a page as you’re editing, you’ll be able to restore your work. Note: this will not work in every tool and is not guaranteed.