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Third-party and vendor integrations with Canvas

Canvas supports LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability®), a standard that makes it possible to integrate third-party or vendor tools with your Canvas course, or enhance the course with other Web applications and Internet resources. The Canvas App Center offers a set of LTI tools that have been reviewed and approved by UW-IT for use in your courses. Learn more about the Canvas App Center.

Additional LTI tools can be added to courses or to college or department sub-accounts in Canvas. Since LTI integrations with Canvas can send data, such as student identifying information and student grade data, to third-party systems, it is critical to ensure that any data shared with third-party systems via Canvas be done so securely and in accordance with University policies to preserve ownership of the data, safeguard confidentiality and integrity, and protect students rights under FERPA.  

UW-IT requires that any third-party integration with Canvas that exchanges student data to have a contractual agreement with the vendor that includes a signed data security agreement. The data security agreement should provide that:

  • University data will not be disclosed except to employees or agents of the company with legitimate need in performance of their duties, or specifically identified third parties such as subcontractors.
  • Use, storage, and access to University data be performed with sound professional practices.
  • Safeguards be implemented to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data.  

Individual instructors who add LTI tools to their Canvas course are advised to do so only under the above circumstances. Instructors are encouraged to provide students with information about how to get assistance with any LTI tools used in a course.

Departments or colleges that want to add a vendor LTI tool in their sub-account in Canvas must be able to verify that

  • The LTI tool will work when added only to a sub-account in Canvas (and not at the root account level), so that only the college or department courses will have access to the vendor system.
  • The college or department has a signed data security agreement that meets the criteria outlined above.

UW-IT can consult with a department or college to ensure the above conditions are satisfactorily met. Contact to request a consultation. 

UW-IT will configure LTI tools at the root level only where a campus-wide contract and data security agreement are in place.

Please note that UW-IT cannot provide support for third-party tools available through Canvas. Although we are dedicated to ensuring an optimal experience using the Canvas LMS, the third-party tools that Canvas makes available are too numerous for us to adequately support. If you or your students experience difficulty using any of these tools, please use the contact information associated with the particular tool, and advise your students to do the same.