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Google Marketplace Apps


The Google Workspace Marketplace is an online portal where Google offers a variety of apps for use by Google accounts. Currently, apps available through the Google Workspace Marketplace are disabled for install in the UW Google tenant. Many apps in the marketplace are not suitable for use in an academic environment, and some ask for overly broad permissions and access to the UW Google tenant.

Previously installed marketplace apps disabled

In March 2022, Google made an unannounced change to UW Google which also removed access to Marketplace apps that were added to UW Google accounts prior to the UW Google service team disabling the ability to install apps from the Google Workspace Marketplace.

We were also working on making this change so it is likely that most apps will not be suitable to be re-enabled for use in UW Google, as they are not in alignment with the UW Google service’s enterprise goals of reducing risk to privacy and data security for the University. Most apps do not have the appropriate privacy and data security agreements in place for the privileged permissions and access to data they have for UW Google accounts. Additionally, we will not be able to add access to most apps at the organization level due to the elevated levels of enterprise risks, even if an individual user may have previously accepted the risks to privacy and data security for their personal UW Google account.

Future standard for app integration

The future standard for integration with UW Google will be similar to the standards for UW Canvas LMS, but we will be working on creating more specific technical guidance as it relates to risks within the UW Google service specifically.

Request app evaluation

Going forward, we will only add Marketplace apps to the UW Google “allowlist” after appropriate review. In some cases where we identify a widespread need for an app the review may be funded centrally, but in most cases, a request to review an app for possible approval requires a UW funding source and the submission of a recharge service request.

Submit a recharge service request for Google Marketplace app evaluation