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Catalyst GradeBook was retired effective June 16, 2022.
If you’ve been using Catalyst GradeBook to import grades to GradePage for online submission, you have other options.
You can:

Catalyst Gradebook Data Retention Policy

Examples of items that can be created and/or stored. Listing of student scores for exams, paper, projects, assignments, or class participation for a particular course; might include a calculated total score or final grade.  Grade conversion scales used to convert points into a rating scale (e.g. GPA grade , H/P/F).
What happens if an item is manually deleted by a user?
  • Scores: Individual student scores for a specific assignment in the gradebook are recorded in a grading history, and so can be located and manually changed back to the original value.
  • Assignments/columns: can be restored (along with all scores) with a request to
  • Gradebooks: can be restored (along with all scores) with a request to
Does anything ever get automatically deleted? Gradebooks will be deleted five years after the end of the academic year (June) in which the course was taught.
What happens to a user’s data after they have left the university? Any gradebooks that have not been manually deleted by an author will remain until automatic deletion rules apply.