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Wi-Fi Fixed IP Address Requirements


Wi-Fi fixed IP addresses are supported and distributed to clients meeting certain reasonable requirements.

We have two options available and both are generally limited to an IP from UWs private address space.

  • An IP reservation in our DHCP servers.
    • This is our default option for requests and the most common scenario.
    • This setup will instruct our DHCP servers to always give you the same IP address.
    • You will not have to reconfigure anything on your client device, as long as it’s set to use DHCP.
      • This setup is available on the eduroam wireless service.
      • This setup is available on the UW MPSK wireless service.
      • This setup is available on the University of Washington wireless service.
  • A static IP address.  (not recommended)
    • This option is only used in special cases where a device doesn’t support DHCP.
    • This setup will require you to configure the IP assigned to you along with subnet mask, gateway address and DNS servers.
    • If your device gets set back to DHCP, it will be assigned a random address from the DHCP pool.
      • This setup is not available on the eduroam wireless service.
      • This setup is available on the UW MPSK wireless service.
      • This setup is available on the University of Washington wireless service.

Reasonable requirements clients should meet, but are not limited to:

  • Inbound connectivity to a device with a predictable IP from within UW address space
  • The device does not behave well in a DHCP environment
  • Limited client roaming requirements
  • Reasonable hardship

Request a Fixed IP