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Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT)

Read more about the objectives of UW’s IoT Risk Mitigation Strategy Program and view resources.

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An Internet of Things (IoT) device is a device that computes, is networked, & interacts with the environment in some way (e.g. by sensing or actuating). Examples include industrial equipment, environmental sensors, medical devices, and more.

IoT devices have the potential to bring substantial value to UW and other higher education institutions. Energy management programs, research environments, public safety, and teaching and learning are all areas that can benefit from IoT systems. However, if these systems are not thoughtfully selected, implemented, and managed, they can bring substantial risk to the institution.

The Office of Information Security is developing a comprehensive strategy for managing and mitigating the growing risks stemming from IoT systems and devices across the University. The early focus of the program is on institutionally acquired IoT systems rather than standalone IoT devices.