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Trumba Fall 2021 Q&A

On October 27, 2021, Dan Hickman, Trumba President, demonstrated new features and answered editors’ questions about Trumba. Steve Aanenson, Trumba Client Services Manager, and Jerry Rinaldi, VP of Operations at Trumba, answered questions.

The event started with reminders:

  • Editors who have not logged into Trumba in the last year will be removed. We will send a notification before removing editors. To avoid being removed, simply log in to Trumba every year.
  • Editors can add and remove editors from their calendars.
  • Do not add UW Groups into your editor group, only add people using their UW NetIDs.
  • We have a new DEI event type.

Dan Hickman demonstrated the new editor. The three videos linked below (just click the title to go to the video) capture relevant and useful information that Dan covered in the demonstration.

Video I

Table of contents

New editor interface 0:42
Mobile responsive 1:06
More responsive editor 2:02
Tips for creating an event 2:32
Navigating date finder 3:51
Calendar views 4:36
Registration view 7:03
Recent activity 7:43
Editing events/images 8:58
Filter events 11:09
Filter cancelled events 11:41
Bulk actions on cancelled events 12:37
Uncancel events 12:59
Registration icons 13:31
Quicker processing 14:33

Video II

Table of contents

URLs for event details 0:09
Posting on Facebook 1:19
Posting on SharePoint 2:10
Hosted site (Beta) 4:35
Hosted sites – Google search 7:59

Questions about this content

  • How do you change the look or formatting of a calendar? How can you display only certain event types?
  • Can Trumba fix repeating events for, say, the 5th Friday, so they don’t show on months without a 5th Friday?
    • Dan is working on it.
  • If events are categorized as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, will they be showing up on a UW-wide calendar?
    • Yes
  • Is there a way to have private events listed for just our students?
    • You cannot do this in Trumba, but your webmaster may be able set up your site to limit access.
  • Are there plans to build an API that allows us to automatically import calendar events from a space reservation software or ability to import RSS feeds?
    • Please use Trumba for UW events not space reservations. In the video, Dan talks about an API, Excel, and calendar connector which can be used to import events from other calendars. However, you will probably lose details which are displayed in an event created in Trumba.

Video III

Table of contents

  • Key word search for limiting events displayed 0:00
  • RSS feeds and APIs 0:40, 2:42
  • Calendar Connector 1:18
  • Best browser 4:09