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ITBill Subscription/TRF FAQ for FY24

Frequently asked questions associated with providing worktag information to UW-IT for customer billing (TRF and subscriptions) for FY24.

Can I just provide a Cost Center?

In order to post a transaction to Workday using Cost Center, the following worktags are needed, at a minimum: 

  • Cost Center (driver) 
  • Resource/Fund (driver) 
  • Function (related) 
  • Balancing Unit (related) 

The driver worktags, when entered during a transaction, automatically pull in the values of the related worktags since they are already configured in Workday. Either a Resource (most likely) or a Fund (less likely) are required to post to a Cost Center.  

I am referencing my old budget number to find my new worktags in the Budget to Worktag Mapping Workbook, but I see more than one line for that budget number. How do I know which one to choose?

Filter the column called “Conversion Row?” for “Yes.” You should now see only unique budget numbers for your unit. 

What if there is more than one driver worktag for a budget number?

If there is more than one driver worktag, refer to the below worktag hierarchy to determine which to select as the “dominant” driver. When the “dominant” driver is selected, all other worktags, including the unselected drivers, associated with the transaction will be included in the posted transaction.  


Driver  Prefix   Hierarchy 
Standalone Grants  GR  1 
Grants  GR  2 
Gift  GF  3 
Project  PJ  4 
Program  PG  5 
Activity  AC  6 
Cost Center + Resource/Fund  CC + RS/FD  7 

There are headcounts showing as under my org code, but they are now moved to a different org code. What should I do with those?

Regarding the method of collecting headcount data for FY24, the changes that happen outside of the period when the data were pulled will affect the number of headcounts in the next fiscal year. Please: 

  • Keep the staff in your org code, and 
  • Reach out to the department where the staff currently belong and ask to provide the worktag for FY24 billing 

What should I do if I need to make updates for Subscription Name?

  1. Send a request to with the subject “Request to update Subscription Name for [Name of Product]” 
  2. In the body of the request, provide the below information: 
    • Subscription Name
    • Current budget number and Task/Option/Project codes 
    • Future worktag(s) 

How do we handle the upcoming changing of all Grant IDs?

Since the UWFT program is going to be changing (resetting) all existing grant IDs in Workday (these are what appear in the FDM), it may be confusing to know when/how to report which Grants to charge. Please use the first version of Grant IDs, which appear in the FDM as of 6/12/2023. These were the initial Grant IDs that were assigned by the program.