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FY24 TRF and Subscription Worktag Templates Due Date June 23rd

Dear Customer of UW-IT, 

As part of the upcoming transition to Workday Finance, UW-IT needs key information from you for FY24; see below. (Need help? Visit our ITBill Subscription/TRF FAQ for FY24.) 

  1. TRF headcounts: We are providing updated TRF headcounts and requesting that you provide worktag information that specifies how to allocate the headcount for FY24. 
  1. Workday worktags for UW-IT service subscriptions: We are providing a list of the current subscriptions along with budget and PCA code info. We ask that you provide the updated worktags for these subscriptions. 

In addition to these two templates (TRF Billing Form and ITBIll Subscriptions), we are providing additional information and instructions in the workbook itself. Given the complexities of the new Foundation Data Model (FDM), we encourage you to review the instructions tabs to ensure worktag information is captured accurately. 

Summary of tabs in the workbook (attached to message sent to 40 UW unit contacts on 5/31 & 6/1):

  • Tab 1: Instructions – TRF: Instructions for filling out the TRF Billing Form tab.
  • Tab 2: TRF Billing Form: Where you will enter headcounts and worktag information associated with each. This is similar to prior years, but with new worktags. 
  • Tabs 3 & 4: HeadCount Summary/Details: Quarterly headcounts from FY23, pulled at the end of August, November, February and April. 
  • Tab 5: Instructions – Subscriptions: Instructions for filling out the ITBill Subscriptions tab.
  • Tab 6: ITBIll Subscriptions: Where you will enter the billing information for each existing subscription. Includes the current billing information and product. 

Notes about the templates:

  • Only the company & driver worktag fields are required. Additional fields are optional based on your FDM setup and reporting needs. 
  • The conditional formatting in these workbooks is only “validating” worktags to the extent that they have a compatible prefix for the field and contain the correct number of characters.  

Please return both the completed TRF and subscription billing forms and any necessary approvals to by Friday, June 23 and be sure to include the original email subject line in your response.

If you have questions, please reach out before June 16. Email

Kindly note, if we do not receive your completed templates by the due date, we will proceed with billing the default worktag values associated with your current budget number in the Budget to Worktag Mapping Workbook

Thank you, 

UW-IT Business & Finance

Need help?

Visit our ITBill Subscription/TRF FAQ for FY24.