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Document Management System (DMS)

The Document Management System (DMS) enables your department to ensure compliance, security, and longevity of UW business records while offering increased efficiency and efficacy to our partners. 

Use Cases

The Document Management System (DMS), powered by DocFinity, provides a platform that enables UW departments to:

  • Manage electronic records: Securely store, retrieve, and view electronic content.
  • Standardize metadata: Define consistent, searchable metadata to assist in managing documents.
  • Simplify Records Management processes: Automatically comply with UW Records Management policies by setting retention periods on documents. Easily search, identify, and hold records responsive to public records requests, litigation, and audit.
  • Store scanned documents: Digitize and store documents with high volume scanning capabilities.
  • Integrate through APIs: Public facing web services facilitate integration with business applications.
  • Retain electronically signed documents: Optional integration between the eSignatures service (powered by DocuSign) and the Document Management System (DocFinity) enables the seamless storage, retrieval and viewing of electronically signed documents.

Onboarding Process

  1. DMS (DocFinity) Service: For more information on this service, refer to the DMS Overview presentation.
  2. Interest form: Complete the Document Management System Interest Form to begin your engagement with the EDM team.
  3. Initial reviewAn EDM team member will schedule a conversation that includes Records Management Services (RMS) to assess your readiness for the DMS service.
  4. Decision: The RMS team will provide a recommendation for moving forward with onboarding your department to ensure that the DMS service best meets your needs.
  5. Planning and scheduling (all): The EDM team will work with your department to gather your requirements.
  6. Implementation and Execution (all):
    1. The EDM team will create a configuration in the TEST environment per your department’s requirements.
    2. Your department will participate in training and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to validate that the configuration supports your business processes.
    3. The EDM team will implement your configuration in the DocFinity PROD environment and will facilitate the initial transfer of your documents into the system.
  7. Sustainment Transition: After go-live, the EDM team will continue to support your document management needs.

System Links

Get Support

Send questions directly to our team at DMS Support. Our business hours are from Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm PST.