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Transfer Equivalency

If you attend a Washington State Community or Technical College and want to transfer to the University of Washington, MyPlan can help plan your transfer.

Login Instructions

To begin, go to the MyPlan home page or directly to the Transfer Equivalency tool.

On the login screen, you will find multiple login options. Non-UW students should choose either a Google or Facebook account to start.

Screenshot of the sign in page with options for users to sign in with or without NetID.

After selecting the preferred login option, you will be prompted to enter your email address and password. You will need to authorize Google or Facebook for the MyPlan login. UW does not collect this information — it is only used for creating a login. UW students should login in with their UW NetID and password.

After logging in, select ‘Find CTC Transfer Equivalency’ from the MyPlan home page.

Screenshot of MyPlan homepage with a red arrow pointing to the Find CTC Transfer Equivalency link

Once there, a brief walkthrough tutorial will pop up that describes what can be done in MyPlan.

Screenshot of Learn more about UW course equivalences popup

Click the ‘Next: Disclaimer” button. You will be required to read through and accept the official disclaimer in order to continue.

Screenshot of the pop-up modal describing the disclaimer and a checkbox to acknowledge the disclaimer.

Either import CTC transcript data or manually add courses that you plan to take or are currently taking but may not have posted to your transcript. Select ‘Find Transfer Equivalency’.

A screenshot of the transfer equivalency page with options to import CTC transcripts or add current and upcoming courses

The tool will create a report that displays how the identified courses may transfer to the UW.

Screenshot of a finished report once transcript data has been imported or manually added.

Note: If you’re unsure what something means in the Equivalency table, consult the UW Admissions Equivalency Guide or check with your CTC or UW adviser.

You can return to your report at a later date so long as you login by the same method you used to run the report. If you need to update your report, click on ‘Update Courses’ to update the list of courses and transcripts.

Screenshot of pop-up modal where you can update your report either by re-importing transcripts or adding courses

If you navigate to another area of MyPlan, you can always go back by clicking on ‘Find CTC Transfer Equivalency’ in the navigation menu.

Adviser View

View a Student’s Estimated Transfer Equivalency Report

If the student is a UW student, they have logged in with their NetID, and they have previously run an estimated equivalency report in MyPlan, then UW advisers will be able to view that report when they are reviewing the plan in adviser mode. Otherwise, if the student used a social login or is not a UW student, advisers will not be able to view the estimated equivalency report. Advisers can run a simulation of the report if the student shares their CTC identification number and birth date.

Screenshot of the advisor’s view of a student’s transfer equivalency. Sections include “Summary” and “Courses with UW equivalency”

Advisers can also view the input screen but all of the fields will be disabled.

Screenshot of the pop-up modal to update courses, but with the fields as non-interactable.