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Known Issues

This page is for users to find advice about known issues.

Active Issues

Recommended Action:

Register with the class SLNs directly on the Registration Page. Use the time schedule to find classes.

If you are unable to make use of the registration link above, please contact the Office of the Registrar  at


Recommended Action: Try using Husky OnNet (follow the link for instructions). OnNet allows you to VPN into the UW network and bypass network/timezone issues.

More Details: Occasionally, users report that they have been seemingly randomly redirected to other links or end up in endless login loops. Sometimes this issue disappears on its own. This issue has proven to be difficult to diagnose and solve; if using Husky OnNet works for you, we recommend using it to access MyPlan going forward.

If using OnNet does not work for you, please email with the subject “MyPlan Issue despite using VPN” and the following information (in order of priority) so we may investigate:

  • Was there any difference in this issue when you used Husky OnNet?
  • Did you use any browser plug-ins while running MyPlan? Assuming you haven’t enabled any plug-ins to run in incognito mode, run the MyPlan session in incognito mode. Please do the following:
    • If you are using the Chrome browser, type Control-Shift-N (Windows) or Command-Shift-N (Mac) to open an incognito window (if you are not using Chrome and/or are unsure how to proceed, we are happy to provide clarification or further instruction.)
    • Paste the following URL into your browser: and try to replicate the errors you are encountering with MyPlan. Using this URL to access MyPlan makes it easier for us to search our logs and identify potential issues.
  • Does clearing your browser cache fix this (follow the link for instructions)?
  • Provide the following information if possible.
    • Location details (e.g. On campus, in a different time zone/country)
    • Connection details (e.g. Mobile, WiFi, VPN, wired ethernet)
    • Error message and/or screenshot of issue
    • Time and date the error occurred
    • The information in the last line of the MyPlan Page Footer (e.g. Version: 3.0 – Build 3.0 UWKSPROD08) so we can search our logs
    • Type of device you are using (Mac, Desktop PC, Mobile, etc.)

ID: PRB0816074

Recommended Action: Upgrade your Mac Operating System using Apple’s Software Update Page.

More Details: Users who are experiencing these issues appear to have old versions of MacOS and Safari. If the upgrade does not work for you, please email with the subject “MyPlan Issue after upgrading MacOS” and the following information (in order of priority) so we may investigate:

  • On which browser(s) did you get this error?
  • Did you use any browser plug-ins while running MyPlan? Assuming you haven’t enabled any plug-ins to run in incognito mode, run the MyPlan session in incognito mode. Please do the following:
    • If you are using the Chrome browser, type Control-Shift-N (Windows) or Command-Shift-N (Mac) to open an incognito window (if you are not using Chrome and/or are unsure how to proceed we are happy to provide clarification or further instruction).
    • Paste the following URL into your browser and see if the same MyPlan error persists:
  • Does clearing your browser cache fix this (follow the link for instructions)?
  • Provide the following information, if possible.
    • Location details (e.g. On campus, in a different time zone/country)
    • Connection details (e.g. Mobile, WiFi, VPN, wired ethernet)
    • Error message and/or screenshot and/or video of issue
    • Time and date the error occurred
    • The information in the last line of the MyPlan Page Footer (e.g. Version: 3.0 – Build 3.0 UWKSPROD08) so we can search our logs

ID: PRB1311398

Recently Resolved Issues

Update: This was fixed on April 30th at 3:30 PM. If you run into issues, please email with the subject of “Schedule Builder pin error”

More Details: When students use Schedule Builder to view schedule option for their planned courses trying to pin a potential schedule is not always successful, and once a schedule is pinned it is difficult to remove, and may disappear/re-appear as the user refreshes the page.

Recommended Action: At this time there is no known workaround, however users should not be blocked from using Schedule Builder for planning or registration. Users are advised to avoid using the pinned schedule feature, and can still use Schedule Builder to compare possible schedules and select one to add to your plan, or register for.

ID: PRB2850463

More Details: When users click a “Degree Requirements” link on a Program Credentials page in MyPlan, occasionally nothing returns.

MyPlan Team’s Plan to Address:  UW-IT has investigated and fixed the possible root cause of the issue.


Update: This was fixed on February 11th at 4:30 PM.  If you run into issues, please email with the subject of “Students encounter timeout error”

Recommended ActionRegister with the class SLNs directly on the Registration Page. Use the time schedule to find classes. For directions on how to register with SLNs, visit

If you are unable to make use of the registration link above, please contact the Office of the Registrar  at

More Details: A red banner message with the following error message: “We have encountered an error. If this issue continues, please contact” appears due to 504 gateway timeout.

MyPlan Team’s Plan to Address: UW-IT has investigated and fixed the possible root cause of the issue.

ID: PRB1976399

Update: This was fixed on August 3rd at 1:30 PM.  If you run into issues, please email with the subject of “Students Cannot Add Advisers’ Recommendations to MyPlan”

Recommended Action:

Until a fix is implemented, manually enter any recommended courses in MyPlan as planned items for the appropriate academic quarter.

More Details:

  • Upon selecting the recommendation and clicking “Add to Plan,” an error message appears which says, “Unable to accept adviser recommendation”
  • This seems to happen because the student’s plan is initialized by the adviser’s activity (in adding the recommendation), rather than the student’s
  • The issue may particularly apply to students with uninitialized plans and no UW academic history

MyPlan Team’s Plan to Address:

The MyPlan Team has confirmed the issue and is working on a fix that will hopefully be released soon.

ID: PRB1797003

Update: This was fixed on June 27th at 11:00 AM.  If you run into issues, please email with the subject of “Schedule builder doesn’t work for Autumn Quarter for Early Fall Start (EFS) students”

Recommended Action: Skip schedule builder and use the Registration Preview Page.

More Details: 

  • If all of the sections for which you want to register appear in the “Registration Preview” area, then you should be good to go when registration opens.
  • If you are seeing false conflicts on the Registration Preview page, please email with the subject “MyPlan EFS False Conflict on Registration Preview Page”.

MyPlan Team’s Plan to Address: We will be doing an overhaul of schedule builder in February to fix this and many other issues.


Update: This was fixed on March 17th at 11:43 AM.  If you run into issues, please email with the subject of “MyPlan Error on AYV”

Recommended Action: Contact with the subject “MyPlan Error on AYV” so the MyPlan team can fix your plan. When adding additional course placeholder notes, please type instead of copying and pasting from another source.

More Details:

  • When general placeholders with notes are added to a plan, there is a possibility that an invalid character within the notes will cause the Academic Year View to break.
  • You will see a red banner message with the following error message: “We have encountered an error. If this issue continues, please contact”
  • Generally, invalid characters are copied onto the notes field. This can be avoided by typing out the notes instead of copying from elsewhere.
  • Once this error occurs the only way to fix it is for the MyPlan Team to update our database.

MyPlan Team’s Plan to Address: Working towards including a fix so MyPlan does not break when an invalid character is entered in a future release.

ID: PRB1556987


If you want any more information about these known issues or have any questions, please email with “MyPlan Question” in the subject line and include the ID of the problem(s) in the body.