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Course Details Page

The Course Details Page contains the course overview and information about course sections.

Course Overview

  1. Course Description: a short write-up of the course.
  2. Offered Jointly With: indicates whether the course is equivalently offered by two or more departments. The equivalent course(s) will appear as hyperlinks.
  3. Course Prerequisite: course(s) that must be completed satisfactorily before taking the course in question.
  4. Quarters: indicates quarters in which the course may be offered. Scheduled courses appear in the current Time Schedule. If the course is projected for an upcoming quarter, that quarter will also appear here, though students should check with the department or adviser for more information.
  5. Gen Edu Req: lists which general education requirements, if any, the course satisfies.
  6. Curriculum: denotes the curriculum to which the course belongs and the UW campus where the course is taught.

Course Sections

  1. View Note: Some pages contain additional important enrollment information.
  2. Course Sections Help: key explaining icons and text in the course sections information.
  3. Expandable Menu: expands to show additional details about the specific course section.

Course Details Page Data Sources

Department Level Change

The Time Schedule is MyPlan’s source for curriculum-level notes (see item 1 in the Course Sections graphic). Adding notes to the Time Schedule will also add them into MyPlan for curriculum or department level notes.

Course Catalog Level Change

Faculty or staff may propose a change to the catalog course description by following the course proposal change workflow.

General Education Requirements Change

Writing (W) is the one general education requirement which is designated per section as opposed to the course level. If the user goes to the Course Details page for a specific course and expands the menu next to a section, they will see whether the specific section satisfies the W requirement. The course overview will display “(W) Some sections count toward the Additional Writing requirement” if any sections can satisfy the Writing requirement.

Instructor List By Section

Instructors are sorted by percent involvement and then alphabetically.