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GradeBook Retirement FAQ

What can I use instead of Catalyst GradeBook?

Everything that you’ve been able to do in Catalyst GradeBook — track student scores online, securely share scores with students, calculate class grades, and submit final grades online — you can do with Canvas Gradebook.

How do I transition to Canvas Gradebook?

The Catalyst and Canvas teams have gathered resources to support the transition to Canvas Gradebook, including:

You can also sign up for one-on-one help.

When do I have to stop using Catalyst GradeBook?

Catalyst GradeBook will be available until June 16, 2022.

What if I’ve been using Catalyst GradeBook to import grades to GradePage for online submission?

You can now import CSVs directly to GradePage.

What if I need access to past grade books?

Instructors and grade book owners and administrators can download past grade books from the Catalyst interface at any time. After June 16, 2022, UW-IT will export CSV files for grade books created since June 2016 (those required by retention policies) and make them available for download in a self-service archive.

Files will be retained for five years after the end of the academic year in which they were created, in keeping with data retention policies determined by the University Office of Records Management. When the retention period expires, the grade book CSV files will be deleted.

I rely on Catalyst GradeBook. Why does it have to be retired?

We recognize that letting go of a valuable, familiar tool is not easy. Unfortunately, Catalyst GradeBook is built on an obsolete application framework that requires a server environment that is no longer supported and will not remain stable and secure. In addition, UW-IT’s governance boards have asked that services with decreasing usage, and for which there exist excellent alternatives, be retired.

Last year, in preparation for the retirement of Catalyst GradeBook, UW-IT surveyed instructors about Catalyst GradeBook and Canvas Gradebook. The feedback received from instructors directly influenced the creation of additional help documentation for Canvas Gradebook, supporting instructors to use it more effectively. Instructor input also led to the addition of a CSV upload feature to GradePage, eliminating the need to use Catalyst GradeBook for online grade submission.