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Client applications on devices to comply with UW Office 365 authentication requirements

Email messages are being sent on July 19, August 9 and August 23 to different sets of individuals who may be using client applications with insecure authentication to access UW Office 365. The sign-in activity indicates that these UW Office 365 account holders may be affected by upcoming changes to Microsoft’s authentication requirements. If UW Google account holders are affected as well, they received a separate message in late July. Because we can not be sure about all of the devices in use, some users may not be notified. But if they are impacted by this, they can follow the same process and take appropriate action.

If you are no longer able to sign in via some client applications that access your UW Office 365 accounts and you see something similar to the following message, you’ll need to take action.

Your email has been blocked message in email

These client applications on your device are using an insecure type of authentication — which is like a house key that gives the application access. Microsoft plans to block outdated and less secure, or “legacy” authentication.

Because Microsoft’s change in this service will be final and no workarounds will be available, we want to ensure you take action early and make the necessary changes to your application(s).

Before the date indicated in your email notification from UW Information Technology (August 2, August 30 or September 6):

If you need assistance, please contact your local IT support or the UW-IT Service Center. They have access to logs which may assist you in identifying which of your client applications and devices need attention.

Thank you,
UW Information Technology